
Anal fistula is an infected tunnel between the skin and the anus (the muscular opening at the end of the digestive tract). Primary cause of anal fistula is an infection in anal gland that spreads to the skin in most of the cases; secondary cause may include infection in anal fissure, tuberculosis, Crohn’s etc, & commonly diagnosed by MRI scan, x-ray, Sino/fistulo gram, ct scan but the best diagnostic tool is per-rectal examination by doctor. Anal fistula may be of several types like simple, complex, low, high, multiple, blind internal etc,

In most of the cases which can be treated by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, Kshar karma & MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

other treatments like contemporary western surgery, vaaft, lift, fibrin glue, laser etc are also in practice but these therapies need western chemical synthetic drugs which includes antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period with the fear of postoperative fecal/anal incontinence in some cases & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra.


The anal fissure is a small tear in the mucosa that lines the anus causing pain and bleeding with bowel movements which sometimes includes spasms in the ring of muscle at the end of anus (anal sphincter). An anal fissure may occur because of hard or large stools during a bowel movement, pregnancy etc. untreated chronic anal fissure may convert in to anal fistula when secondary infection occurred in fissure bud (wound). Anal fissures are commonly diagnosed by colonoscopy / proctoscopy but the best diagnostic tool is per-rectal examination by doctor.

In most of the cases Treatment of anal fissure can be done by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, Kshar karma & MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

Other treatments like contemporary western surgery & laser are also in practice but these therapies need western chemical synthetic drugs which include antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period with the fear of postoperative fecal/anal incontinence in some cases & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra.

Pilo-nidal sinus / PNS & Dermal Sinus:-

A tunneling wound or sinus tract is a narrow opening or passageway extending from a wound/infectious tissue underneath the skin in any direction through soft tissue and results in dead space with potential for abscess formation. The common cause of sinus may include foreign body, infectious hair bud, diabetes, secondary infection of wound, tuberculosis etc. Pilo-nidal sinus (PNS) usually contains hair and debris and quite common in hairy patients. It can cause severe pain and can often become infected and may have multiple tracks.

PNS & dermal sinuses can be diagnosed by MRI scan, x-ray, Sino/fistulo gram, CT scan but the best diagnostic tool is clinical examination by doctor.

in most of the cases treatment of Pilo-nidal sinus/PNS& dermal sinuses can be done by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, Kshar karma & MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

Other treatments like contemporary western surgery, flap reconstruction surgery & laser are also in practice but these therapies need western chemical synthetic drugs which include antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra.

Hemorrhoids / piles:-

The swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus that cause discomfort and bleeding, usually caused by straining during bowel movements, obesity or pregnancy. Hemorrhoids/ piles are divided in groups depending on the location in anus & size i.e. external, internal, exo-internal & grade 1,2,3&4  hemorrhoids are commonly diagnosed by colonoscopy / proctoscopy & x-ray (special type) but the best diagnostic tool is per-rectal examination by doctor.

In most of the cases Treatment of hemorrhoid/ piles can be done by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, Kshar karma, Sclero-therapy, RBL-GUN & MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

Other treatments like contemporary western surgery, stapler, dghal, cryotherapy & laser are also in practice but these therapies need western chemical synthetic drugs which include antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period with the fear of postoperative fecal/anal incontinence in some cases & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra. 

Thrambosed hemorrhoid:-

This is a rare but panic type of hemorrhoid/piles caused by exertion or injury at anal verge causing thrombosis (clotting of blood) at anal verge with pain and bleeding which sometimes mimics with external hemorrhoid or anal fistula.

In most of the cases Treatment of thrambosed hemorrhoid/ piles can be done by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, hirudotherapy/ leech therapy, Kshar karma & MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

Other treatments like contemporary western surgery & laser are also in practice but these therapies need western chemical synthetic drugs which include antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra.

Sentinel tags:-

Sentinel tags are growths that hang off around the skin outside the anus or at the front edge at the junction of the anus and the perineum. Sentinel tags are commonly associated with anal fissure & also may be due to a lesion, inflammation, anal injury or skin left behind after a contemporary surgery of hemorrhoid and other anal diseases, and the diagnosis can be easily made by per-rectal examination by proctologist/doctor.

In most of the cases Treatment of sentinel tag can be done by Kshar sutra ligation therapy, Kshar karma, and sclero-therapy, RBL-gun& MCDPA therapy with the help of modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral medicines without any hospitalization or bed rest.

Other treatments like contemporary western surgery, cryotherapy & laser are also in practice but these therapies need a western chemical synthetic drug which includes antibiotics & analgesic therapy for long period & use of general/spinal anesthesia along with hospitalization & bed rest with comparatively less success rate than Kshar sutra.

Diabetic foot ulcer:-

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that occurs in patients with poorly controlled diabetes and is commonly located on the bottom of the foot. Peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) and lower extremity ischemia (lack of blood flow) due to peripheral artery disease are the primary causes of diabetic foot ulcers, which causes altered or complete loss of feeling in the foot and leg. Vascular disease & narrowed arteries are also the major problem in diabetes and mainly affects tiny blood vessels feeding the skin (microangiopathy). The lack of healthy blood flow & pressure from shoes, cuts, bruises, or any injury to the foot may lead to ulceration & wound healing is also impaired. The secondary infection in diabetic foot ulcer may push the patient to the organ amputation & critical care.

To treat diabetic foot ulcer the modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral natural medicines with Kshar karma, jonk chikitsa (hirudotherapy / leech therapy), Rakta mokshan (bloodletting), Agnikarma, oxygen therapy, Rasayana chikitsa (immunotherapy), Ropan chikitsa (Ayurvedic wound healing), PRP/PRF etc are done as per the need of individual patient to deal with neuropathy & impaired blood circulation to the desired tissues with the follow-up of the diabetologist to control blood sugar level.

Varicose ulcers & Buergers disease:-

Also known as the "venous leg ulcers”, venous / varicose ulcers are wounds that occurs due to improper functioning of venous valves, (usually of the legs, hence leg ulcers) resulting in poor blood & oxygen supply to the tissue which leads to the non healing phase of ulcer/wound.

The common causes of varicose/venous ulcers are damaged veins, blood clots, injury, ageing, obesity etc. the modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral natural medicines with Kshar karma, jonk chikitsa (hirudotherapy / leech therapy), rakta mokshan (blood letting), agnikarma, oxygen therapy, rasayan chikitsa (immunotherapy), ropan chikitsa (Ayurvedic wound healing), PRP/PRF etc are done as per the need of individual patient.

Non-healing chronic wounds:-

The most common cause of non-healing chronic wounds are impaired blood circulation and damaged nerve endings (neuropathy) leading to the loss of nutrition and oxygen supply required for healing process.

To boost the blood flow to the desired tissues & to increase the oxygen & nutrition supply to the injured tissues the modern Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral natural medicines with

Kshar karma, jonk chikitsa (hirudotherapy / leech therapy), rakta mokshan (bloodletting), agnikarma, oxygen therapy, Rasayana chikitsa (Immunotherapy), ropan chikitsa (Ayurvedic wound healing), PRP/PRF etc are done as per the need of individual patient

Hydrocele with pus / Pyocele: -

Hydrocele is collection of fluid in the thin sheath surrounding testicle & when the fluid get infected it is commonly known as Pyocele. generally there is no or less pain in normal Hydrocele but in the case of infected Hydrocele (Pyocele) there may be moderate to severe pain and inflammation with fever.

in most of the cases of Pyocele, the scrotum & testicles are amputated and in case of Hydrocele amputation is rare but in contemporary surgery the hospitalization & postoperative bed rest is there, on the other hand in modern Ayurvedic Kshar karma & Shalya karma (if case is not severe or with septicemia) the Pyocele can be treated with a minor incision (minimal invasive Para surgery with about 1inch incision under local anesthesia) for pus drainage which generally do not need any stitch or hospitalization or bed rest & in case of Hydrocele there is no need of any incision or bed rest & even patient can do all the daily routine works just after the procedure. 

Anal Stenosis:-

Anal Stenosis or anal stricture is a narrowing of the anal canal that causes the difficulty to pass stool, which me be because of some untreated & ignored long term disease or as a result of side effect of contemporary surgery of Ano-rectal disease like fistula, fissure, hemorrhoid etc as a result of narrowing of anus in the case of Stenosis during evacuation patient feels unbearable pain because of tearing of anus and unhealed wounds. The anal Stenosis can also cause the non-healing conditions in the cases of Ano-rectal disease like fissure as a result of narrowing of anus. In contemporary surgery patient need to go under general/spinal anesthesia for surgery with hospitalization & bed rest along with the long term regular use of chemical synthetic drug like antibiotics and painkillers, on the other hand in most of the cases treated with modern Ayurveda the addition of Kshar sutra & Kshar karma with MCDPA therapy & Ayurvedic Herbo-mineral natural medicines are used without any hospitalization or bed rest.